Landmark assists clients in addressing environmental challenges associated with active and abandoned commercial, industrial, and military facilities. Our environmental engineering professional scientists and regulatory specialists work closely with clients and regulatory agencies to design technically sound strategies that best meet the client’s needs and regulatory agency’s requirements.
Landmark's experience encompasses all aspects of the Superfund processes, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) corrective action processes, and state voluntary cleanup programs. Our understanding of federal, state, and local regulations stems from years of experience in practical application on a wide variety of projects.
Landmark's environmental engineering and consulting services include:
Phase II Investigations to Support Property Transaction Due Diligence.
Spatially Representative Soils and Subsurface Sampling Programs.
RCRA Corrective Action Plans, Regulatory Agency Negotiations, and Implementation.
State-Specific Voluntary Cleanup Program Plans, Regulatory Agency Negotiations, and Implementation.
Groundwater Monitoring Program Development, Well Installation, and Monitoring.
Solid Waste Compliance and Corrective Actions.
Sub-Slab Vapor Mitigation System Design and Installation Management.
Military Munitions Response Program Intrusive Building Investigations.
Bench Scale/Pilot Scale Studies.
Remedial Design.
In-situ/Ex-situ Soil and Groundwater Remediation.
Remedy Effectiveness Evaluation.
Solid Waste Beneficial Use Recycling Engineering for a U.S. Sugar Beet Processing Facility
Landmark designed and implemented one of the first successful state-approved sugar beet spent lime recycling project at a former sugar beet processing plant in Greeley, Colorado. Landmark evaluated the effectiveness, feasibility, and cost of recycling spent lime derived from the sugar beet processing for structural fill. Landmark conducted chemical analytical testing of the recycled lime and performed bench scale and pilot scale materials testing of several mixtures of the spent lime with soil. After analytical testing confirmed the spent lime was not an environmental concern, the optimum ratio of recycled lime to soil was identified through geotechnical testing. (Read more)
Innovative and Cost-Effective Materials Management for Structural Water Reservoir Demolition
Landmark prepared and implemented an innovative, cost-effective Materials Management Plan (MMP) and Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for a concrete structural water reservoir demolition project. Prior demolition activities inadvertently caused an asbestos-containing material (ACM) spill, and the nature and extent had been mischaracterized, resulting in project delays and a potential cost-prohibitive spill response. The purpose of the separate plans was to utilize less rigorous MMP procedures for the safe management of crushed concrete and soils while inspecting and testing for the presence of ACM. (Read more)