Landmark Environmental provides asbestos surveys and hazardous building inventories nationwide for all types of commercial, industrial, and education facilities. Our certified professionals stay current with state, local, and federal regulations and certifications requirements, and have broad certifications including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, Certified Asbestos Building Inspectors and Management Planners, Project Designers, Air Monitoring Specialists, and Certified Hazardous Materials Managers.
Landmark Environmental provides hazardous materials surveys (also known as universal waste surveys), lead-based paint (LBP) surveys, and mold assessments for all types of properties. Our LBP inspections and risk assessments follow EPA and Housing and Urban Development guidelines, and our staff is experienced with X-Ray Fluorescence sampling technology. Landmark personnel stay current with the ever-changing guidelines concerning mold inspection and remediation. We have an in-depth understanding regarding the nuances of the applicability and requirements of related regulations and protocols. Our focus is objective hazard assessment, and we utilize emerging testing and analytical technologies where appropriate:
Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint Surveys and Sampling of Buildings.
Hazardous Building Materials Surveys.
Asbestos-Containing Soil Surveys.
Mold and Moisture Intrusion Surveys.
Exposure and Risk Assessment.
Abatement Cost Estimates.
Moisture Monitoring Plans.
Asbestos-Containing Materials and Lead-Based Paint Operations and Maintenance Plans.
Hazardous Building Materials Waste Characterization and Disposal.
Asbestos Planning and Management Services for a Regional Power Generation and Transmission Cooperative
Landmark’s specialized knowledge of power plant characteristics allows strategic, cost-effective management of asbestos management and abatement requirements. Landmark worked under the direction of counsel to provide a thorough review of Colorado regulations regarding asbestos, building demolition, and how they relate to substation structures that a regional power generation and transmission cooperative own or operate. Ultimately, this strategic consultation led to the development of an in-house Standard Operating Procedure for how and when asbestos surveys are conducted, permits are required, and training. (Read more)
Asbestos Compliance Evaluation for Metals Processing Facilities
Landmark conducted an accelerated asbestos inspection and compliance evaluation at four major industrial facilities to assess the completeness of historical asbestos-related information, to develop associated life cycle costs, and to implement program improvements at the facilities. The evaluation included both record review and targeted site inspections at four facilities with 150 buildings, including a major alloys plant, two large metals reclamation plants, and an aluminum can plant. (Read more)
University of Wyoming
Landmark has an environmental on-call services contract with the University of Wyoming (UW) and has been assisting UW with asbestos, lead-based paint, and regulated building materials surveys. Landmark provides recommendations for remediation and provides technical documents for bidding, followed by oversight and air monitoring services. These services are provided for the demolition or renovation of various campus buildings. (Read more)